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The Surprising Health Benefits of Having a Dog

Pet dogs are funny, uplifting, and sometimes seem to understand us in a way no other human can. Studies have proven that animals in our lives offer us much more than companionship. If you consider adopting a dog, however, there are things that you must bear in mind. For instance, You need to know about canine hip dysplasia if you want to adopte a large breed dog. But beneficially, pets have healthy attributes. Specially trained dogs can even sniff out developing diseases and warn us away from foods we should not eat. This article will showcase some of the health benefits of having a pet dog on our side.

Way to Fitness

Dogs need walking. So perhaps it is not surprising that pet owners are physically very active. In the 2005 Michigan behavioral risk factor survey, dog walkers were 34% more likely to walk for at least 150 minutes a week and 69% more likely to exercise. This increased activity has benefits throughout the body. Assuming that you regularly hike with your dog and at a brisk pace, this can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and even lessen the risk of diabetes and coronary heart disease as much as high-intensity running can, according to a study conducted in Berkeley, California.


Also, as dogs require regular exercise and encourage play, this keeps you active and moving, which can prove extremely beneficial to those who might have rheumatoid arthritis issues. Participating in regular exercise increases strength and flexibility, helps maintain bone strength, and keeps the joints loose.

Keeps the Body and Heart Healthy

Because puppies also need regular exercise and encouragement to play, they stay active and move around, which can benefit people who may have rheumatoid arthritis. Regular exercise increases strength and stamina, keeps bones strong and joints loose. For example, a large study involving nearly 6,000 people found that male pet owners lowered blood sugar (201 vs. 206 mg/dL) and cholesterol (108 vs. 125 mg/dL) compared to non-dog owners. Studies suggest that pets can help us recover from heart attacks.

Studies suggest that pet ownership can reduce a person’s heartbeat and increase the heart’s ability to respond to stressful conditions. In one study of 240 couples, half of whom had a puppy and the other half did not, pet owners needed a much smaller increase in heart rate and a faster recovery in response to stress. It was more rapid when the puppy was in the area together.

Prevents Sneezes

A recent evaluation of 470 children showed that growing up at home with dogs reduces the potential to develop allergies by 77%. It is believed to be related to this “hygiene theory” – the idea that germs carried by creatures support the immune system during its development so that your children are better able to resist allergens when they enter later in life. In the case of allergy, pets can help. Surprisingly, dogs can be trained to recognize foods that contain harmful contaminants.…